Come and See
Come & See by Kevin Johnson
The child had spotted something that garnered their attention and stopped them in their tracks. An afternoon of playing without any worry or concern was interrupted by something important enough to change their course. It was then the little child grabbed the finger of their grandfather and simply said, “Go Look!” Though the proper terminology was not used by the toddler, the message was clear and urgent. There was something that grandpa needed to see.
Now the disciple named Phillip would play out to be the leader of the second tier of disciples in many ways. Let’s be honest Peter, Andrew, James and John were all the number one seeds and then Phillip would be the leader of the number two seeds. Phillip was a student of the laws of Moses and was inquisitive in discovering the Messiah. He had followed John the Baptist and listened to his teachings. His heart was ripe for harvest. Then John the Baptist points to Jesus and says, “behold the Lamb of God!” That is all it took for Phillip as he raced to engage Jesus and follow Him. From that day forward, his life was changed forever!
What is the response of a changed Phillip? To find his friend Nathaniel. They had grown up in the same town together and probably were life-long friends. Some would say, they were like brothers. When Phillip found his friend, he quickly explained, “We have found Him…” John 1:45. Nathaniel was skeptical and questioned how the messiah could come out of Nazareth. Then Phillip gives his best witnessing speech ever by just saying, “COME and SEE.” John 1:46. Those three words would change the course of Nathaniel forever.
3:16 SUNDAY we are hoping to see 316 people in attendance. The goal of 316 is great, but the urgency of finding the lost is greater! Phillip didn’t race to tell his friend to increase his personal numbers. He was concerned about his soul. The more I see the lostness around me the more my heart breaks. The disciple Phillip was described by John MacArthur as a "process person, bean counter, facts and figures guy." I would hate to enter heaven and meet Phillip, and he gives me the statistic that 70% of the city of Florence was lost while you were there. Our city is filled with churches and at the same time, filled with lostness. Something must change. It starts when we begin to say to others, “COME and SEE!”
Phillip started with Nathaniel, but it didn’t end there. He would tell hundreds if not thousands of others the same words he said to Nathaniel, come and see. This week I encourage you to have child-like faith. Take someone by the hand and say to them this Sunday morning join me as my guest at First Baptist Church. When they ask why just tell them, COME AND SEE!
The child had spotted something that garnered their attention and stopped them in their tracks. An afternoon of playing without any worry or concern was interrupted by something important enough to change their course. It was then the little child grabbed the finger of their grandfather and simply said, “Go Look!” Though the proper terminology was not used by the toddler, the message was clear and urgent. There was something that grandpa needed to see.
Now the disciple named Phillip would play out to be the leader of the second tier of disciples in many ways. Let’s be honest Peter, Andrew, James and John were all the number one seeds and then Phillip would be the leader of the number two seeds. Phillip was a student of the laws of Moses and was inquisitive in discovering the Messiah. He had followed John the Baptist and listened to his teachings. His heart was ripe for harvest. Then John the Baptist points to Jesus and says, “behold the Lamb of God!” That is all it took for Phillip as he raced to engage Jesus and follow Him. From that day forward, his life was changed forever!
What is the response of a changed Phillip? To find his friend Nathaniel. They had grown up in the same town together and probably were life-long friends. Some would say, they were like brothers. When Phillip found his friend, he quickly explained, “We have found Him…” John 1:45. Nathaniel was skeptical and questioned how the messiah could come out of Nazareth. Then Phillip gives his best witnessing speech ever by just saying, “COME and SEE.” John 1:46. Those three words would change the course of Nathaniel forever.
3:16 SUNDAY we are hoping to see 316 people in attendance. The goal of 316 is great, but the urgency of finding the lost is greater! Phillip didn’t race to tell his friend to increase his personal numbers. He was concerned about his soul. The more I see the lostness around me the more my heart breaks. The disciple Phillip was described by John MacArthur as a "process person, bean counter, facts and figures guy." I would hate to enter heaven and meet Phillip, and he gives me the statistic that 70% of the city of Florence was lost while you were there. Our city is filled with churches and at the same time, filled with lostness. Something must change. It starts when we begin to say to others, “COME and SEE!”
Phillip started with Nathaniel, but it didn’t end there. He would tell hundreds if not thousands of others the same words he said to Nathaniel, come and see. This week I encourage you to have child-like faith. Take someone by the hand and say to them this Sunday morning join me as my guest at First Baptist Church. When they ask why just tell them, COME AND SEE!
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