Just like Jonathan

Chuck Swindoll tells the story of a friend of his who was in the Marines with him.  Word came to Chuck that later in life this old Marine had given his life to Christ.  Chuck was thrilled but honestly, he was also shocked.  This buddy of his was a partying, cursing, hard core guy.  When in the Marines, Chuck said this guy hated chapel services.  Now word has come that he was a Christian.  Sure enough, Chuck bumped into his old friend and he asked him what it was like being a Christian now.  To Chuck’s surprise, the man said, “the only thing I miss about the old life is the fellowship with the guys in our outfit down at the shop shoot. (a tavern on the base).  The man went on to say, “we’d have a few beers, let our hair down and it was great. I just haven’t found anything to take the place of that yet and I ain’t got nobody to admit my faults to and then have them put their arm around me and tell me I’m still ok.”
What was this man saying? Since I became a Christian, where can I find genuine fellowship with other men? This man was basically asking, where can I find a David and Jonathan friendship in my life?  The truth is there are many people who are Christians, involved somewhat in church and feel like they have nobody they can truly talk too.  Let’s be honest, would you want to join a family and then nobody in the family engages you?  Sometimes the local church doesn’t realize that there are people within our body that just need a friend!
I am so thankful that some of our ladies meet once a month for a meal together.  I am excited that 21 men have started meeting to bond around God’s Word on a weekly basis.  I am seeing signs of intentional fellowship, discipleship and encouragement within FBC.  To God be the glory!  But realize there is always someone close by who needs a Jonathan.  It doesn’t mean you have to become best friends, but an hour a week or even a month could do wonders for that particular person. 
The story of the marine also reminds me, if we don’t offer them friendship, the world will beat us to the punch. In this day and age people are longing for genuine relationships. The church of all places should be the example of where one can find such friendships.  The book of Proverbs states, “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” Proverbs 18:24.  As we close out the 2024 season would you join me in becoming intentional in building friendships and encouraging one another.

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