Giant called Doubt

From the time that David was a young shepherd boy until the time of his death, David faced giants. We know the giants that he encountered were a bear, a lion, Goliath and even Saul. But one of the giants he faced was a subtle giant that hit him in different ways.  The giant was named Doubt.
I will just focus on the familiar story of David and Goliath to help use see the other giant.  When David speaks up about Goliath he is sent to the tent of King Saul, who was tall enough that many would see him as a giant.  When Saul looks at David his words are, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.” I Samuel 17:33. Wow is that a great pregame speech from a head coach or what?  David’s bold speech reached the ears of the King in his tent.  There we find that what Saul cannot see was what David could see.  Saul, a giant introduced David to a bigger giant called doubt!
Let’s be honest, the army of Israel that day was facing two giants.  Goliath who would taunt them by day and Doubt who would taunt them at night. It was getting to the point where the Philistines were about to win this battle without ever firing a shot.  The intimidation of one giant led to the haunting intimidation of an even greater giant. For forty straight days it was the same scenario from the Philistine Champion and every day Doubt grew a little larger than Goliath.
By the time David arrived the army of Israel was all but paralyzed by the Giants.  Israel needed a fresh set of eyes after forty days of torture.  Along comes the chosen one, David, to encourage his brothers on the front lines.  Why was David not paralyzed by Goliath? He had already faced giants while being a shepherd.  He knew the secret to defeating the giant was to trust in God completely.  He even recounts the story to Saul of his past experiences and then boldly proclaims, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of the Philistine.”  I Samuel 17:37. There was one other secret weapon of David’s that we often forget.  The giant called doubt was not invited to the battle of David and Goliath.
We will never see the victory if we allow the giant called doubt to tag along. David went from the tent to the brook to the battlefield.  There was no hesitation, no second guessing. David’s faith was not in David but in God. He reiterates that in his words to Goliath.  One slingshot and one stone later and victory came to the army of Israel.  That day with one shot David killed two giants, Goliath and Doubt
There are times when God is using you or about to work through you and a spirit of doubt will arise from somewhere or someone.  I have witnessed churches in the midst of a revival abruptly end revival over a few whispers of doubt.  The old giant called doubt will delay God’s plan if we allow it and eventually it can defeat us if we remain frozen.
This week uninvite the giant called doubt from your life.  Stand as firm and strong as young David knowing that God has proven Himself faithful time and time again.  Let go of your worries of the battles ahead and instead remember the battle is still in the Lord’s hand.  Goodbye Doubt and Hello Victory!

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